New Plaque For New Yard

We are pleased to have installed a new and improved plaque in Trinity Walk, to mark the site of Bendigo’s birth on 18th October 1811. In Bendigo’s this walkway was named New Yard. The name Trinity Walk came from the Holy Trinity Church that was built nearby in 1841.

Our guided walk passes this location and almost every visitor (who knows Nottingham) remarks that they never knew the plaque was there. The reason for this is that it is sited too high up the wall. The recommended height for a plaque to catch the eye is between 6 and 8 feet. The existing plaque is 10 feet up.

Not only that, the information on it is factually incorrect. Bendigo’s name was registered as William Thompson. and Abednego was given to him as a family nickname. This nickname evolved into Bendigo during his fighting career. The rest as they say, is history 

Here’s the new plaque. It has more information and is (of course) in the colour of Bendigo’s sash,  Bird’s Eye Blue.

Let us know what you think and don’t forget to visit it when you are in Nottingham.