Our supporter Stuart Whomsley, tells the Bendigo story in this poetic tribute.
Great work Stuart, thank you.
Bendigo Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Way back in the bible, a long time ago Thrown by Nebuchadnezzar into the fiery pit Surely that was the end of it? But one son rose like a phoenix from the flame Baptised in St Mary’s font with a different name William Thompson, but as we all know, William Thompson was Nottingham’s Bendigo Bare chested Bendigo enters the ring, Looks at his rival Caunt, with a massive old grin Knuckles hit stomach then face, stomach then face Sweat and blood, all over the place, Caunt, he is hurting, now down on the floor Victory for Bendigo. Hear the crowds roar Southpaw, athletic, intelligent, quick and game Soon all of England knew Bendigo’s name. Banter like Ali when in his prime Champion of all England by 1839 After the boxing, social justice was Bendigo’s fight Rioting with the Nottingham Lambs deep into the night Drink then did to Bendigo what no man could do Put him down in the gutter, seemed his fight was through Then preacher Richard Weaver lifted him up Swapped communion wine for the beer in his cup Reborn preacher Bendigo toured the land Could not read the bible, but he could still understand "See them belts? See them cups?” They were all vanity, and that self destructs. The value of a soul cannot be priced, “I used to fight for those, now I fight for Christ." Satan he is hurting, Satan is now on the floor, Victory for Jesus. Hear the crowds roar. The hillsides of Nottingham were Bendigo’s Zion, Bendigo, Bendigo Nottingham’s Lion.