On Sunday 29th April 2018, a group of supporters will walk the route of Bendigo’s funeral cortege in 1880.
This will be from his home at Wollaton Road in Beeston to his grave at Bath Street in the City Centre, a distance of 5.7 miles. The walk will take approximately 2 hours and will be limited to twenty one people representing his 21 fights.
The group will meet at the Bendigo Lounge on the High Road, where the general manager has kindly invited them in for refreshments before they set off
The walk will officially start from the site of his cottage at 1100hrs and take Wollaton Road to Bramcote Hills, then Derby Road into the city centre via Lenton Abbey, Dunkirk, Lenton, and Canning Circus. The final route will be through The Old Market Square and on to St Mary Rest Garden on Bath Street. They will gather at the graveside where the moment will be commemorated with a reading about the funeral taken from the novel of his life Bendigo – The Right Fist of God.
All are welcome to join the group at St Mary’s Rest Garden from around 1300hrs.
Bendigo’s Grave at St Marys Rest Garden
Each of the walkers will raise individual sponsorship. Anyone wishing to donate directly to the fund can do so via the link on our website.
Andrew Edwards, the renowned sculptor who created a maquette of Bendigo is unable to do the walk, as he is in New York that weekend. He sent this reply:
A gallery in Manhattan is promising to show my scale model of my new Beatles statues so I can’t refuse being there – I’d rather be in Nottingham though, honestly. In fact if I could pick any job to be working on now anywhere in the world, it would be Bendigo’s statue.
Andrew Edwards presents the maquette to Trustee Alan Dawson.